Archive | June, 2007

Personal DNA test

30 Jun
This is an interesting personality test….I find these types of things interesting.  I am always curious to see if they really can "figure me out"!!! This one did rather well (for the most part ) 

Concerned Realist

Check out your own results at and let me know what you come up with!!!

The Daily Drama with my Darlings at Daycare

26 Jun
Some of you may be slightly curious why I have a "countdown" of the number of days left at daycare on MSN. Many of you have asked me how work is going, and I have been hesitant on how to answer such a question. So, I thought it would be beneficial to give you all a detailed "run-down" on what a typical day is like in the young toddler classroom. I am hoping that this will "open your eyes" and you will understand even better why I am anxious to ESCAPE this world of daycare drama!!
I will just go through the daily schedule bit by bit so you get the general idea!
7:00 – (drumroll please…….) I enter the building ….so, of course, I clock in and head off to the classroom. Generally, at this time, the infants through toddlers are all together in the infant room. I am greeted by some of my adoring fans (the older toddlers "Miss Becky, Miss Becky!!") and of course two of my co-workers – the toddler one head teacher, Miss Sam, and the infant head teacher, Miss Alice. At this time, we discuss which co-worker(s) have called out for the day and what possible excuse they have this time. Miss Sam then usually informs me how many children we will have for the day and we moan and groan together. I then read some books to some of the older toddlers as they fight to see who all can sit on Miss Becky’s lap. When the infant room starts getting rather crowded with older children (about 7:20 or so) I take them over to the toddler one classroom. There we stay on the one side of the room, and wait for the Toddler Two head teacher to come get the two-year olds. 
7:30 – Miss Michelle, the Toddler Two head teacher, comes to gather all the older toddlers. Right now, it is a difficult time for one of the girls, Caitlynn, who has just recently turned two. When Miss Michelle enters the room, she runs to me crying, "Miss Bocky, Miss Bocky!" Michelle takes her hand and leads her out of the classroom. I hear the cries of my name all the way down the hallway…..hopefully, this won’t last too much longer and she will adjust to her new room. So then, we generally have about 2-5 one year olds at this time, and we wash hands for breakfast. Breakfast lasts from 7:30 – 8:15.
8:00 – 8:15 – The multitude arrives!!! Let’s just say that we go from maybe 2-5 children to about 10-15 children during this time!! It is definitely a rather crazy couple of minutes because we are getting breakfast ready (sometimes it involves the microwave or toaster oven), pouring milk, trying to keep track of what each child has actually eaten for breakfast to write down on their daily sheet (this is sent home with parents at the end of the day) and of course, making sure no child is throwing their food, dumping their milk, pulling their friend’s hair, or stealing someone else’s food. Remember it is still just Miss Sam and me with all these children!!
8:15 – 9:00 – After the children are finished with their breakfast, we put them all on one side of the classroom. Miss Sam usually changes diapers while I clean up after breakfast. What fun! Let’s just say there is more food on the table and trampled on the floor than actually goes into these children’s mouths!! Today we had poptarts and fruit cocktail for breakfast. Let’s just say mushy fruit on the floor is not fun to clean up….of course, it could be a lot worse….such as applesauce day!!! Okay, moving along. So by the time I am done cleaning up after breakfast because I have been interrupted a number of times because one child or another is beating up one of their friends (today it was with a small plastic spoon….a little boy was pounding it on a girl’s head while she screamed!), it is nearly 9:00.
9:00 – 10:00 – Miss Holly joins the forces at 9:00. She is our 3rd teacher and by that time we are so relieved to have another person in that room! As Miss Sam finishes up her multitude of smelly diapers, Holly and I try to teach the children the wonderful concept of "clean up time" That normally takes a bit of time!! Most of our children love to take off their shoes, so at this point we end up putting on all their shoes again. If it is a nice day out, we either go on a walk or on the playground. If it is a rainy day, like today, we go into the Village, which is our indoor playground complete with slide and ballpit. My favorite is the walk because they are all CONFINED and it is a nice calm hour as we walk around the building and around the neighborhood. We have 2 buggies (which seats 9 children) and a two seater stroller. If we have more children than that, which we normally do, some hold onto the buggy and walk along side. However, let me backtrack. If we do go outside, almost every child has their own labeled sunscreen, which we must apply before entering the great outdoors. Let’s just say, it is a rather messy experience trying to get 12-15 different kids thoroughly sunblocked. By the time you are done, your hands are quite slimy, greasy, and smelly!! Usually, by the time we are done applying sunscreen it is time for Miss Sam’s hour break and another teacher comes in to take her place.
10:00 – 10:30 – When we get back either from the Village, the playground, or a walk, we sometimes have morning snack. I enjoy this time as well because they are happy because they are eating, they are CONFINED in their buckets seats at the table, and it is generally peaceful. As they finish up, we sing some songs like "Look Who Came to School Today" "The Wheels on the Bus", "Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree" and "The Baby Bumble Bee song". These are the general favorites! If you don’t know some of these songs, I’d be more than happy to teach them to you  It is then time to clean the children up, and start on diaper changing yet again!
10:30 – 11:30 – Around this time Miss Sam normally comes back from her break and then it is my turn to go on break. I always get an hour break, which is nice, and I go home to collapse for a bit on the couch and watch "I Love Lucy" while I eat something for lunch. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get up after that, and go back to work? Rough, I’ll tell you, but I am so glad I only live 5-10 minutes away from work so I can go home! I don’t think I could last if I didn’t!!
11:30 – 12:00 – Lunch time!! Messy time!! One teacher writes on the children’s daily sheets what they are eating and how much, and the other two teachers are cleaning up the room….which looks like a tornado hit it, and setting up the cots for nap time.
12:00 – 12:30 – Sometimes to get some excess energy out of the children we go on the playground or to the Village. This is only if we have gotten lunch on time, and it wasn’t a super duper messy lunch (such as when we have spaghetti and meatballs )
12:30 – 1:00 – Diaper changing time!! We have two diaper changing areas, the 12 – 18months on one side, and the 18 – 24 months on the other side. Generally, each side has about 7-8 children…that’s a lot of diapers to change let me tell you!! Especially, when you have the strict diaper changing policy that we have (and of course, smelly diapers are just great ) Sometimes we sit the older toddlers on the potty in our bathroom to start getting them used to the whole process.
1:00 – 3:00 – Blessed quietness….otherwise known as naptime!! We spend this time working on artwork, cleaning the classroom, restocking diapers, and helping with lesson plans. We have good sleepers for the most part in our room. All of the children fall asleep by 1:15 – 1:30 at the latest and only a couple wake up before 3:00. They are required to lay on their cots till 3:00 however. During naptime, my favorite job is hanging artwork in the classroom. I have become known as a paranoid teacher whose pet peeve is to have the artwork hanging on the wall perfectly, and if it isn’t, you will have to endure my wrath!! Miss Holly refuses to hang artwork for fear that I will get "angry" if it isn’t done my way  I’m sorry, but there has to be a pattern to the artwork so that it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye (my eye in particular!) Everyone just rolls their eyes at me, except Miss Sam because she is exactly the same way!
3:00 – 4:00 – The children wake up, we put cots away, and it is diaper changing time yet again. After that is over, it is usually 3:30 and the children are seated down to afternoon snack. After snack is over we have afternoon activities and we split into groups for that. Generally, around that time I am "relieved of my duties" and set free to go home for the day!!! Hurray!!
Sorry that this is a long ordeal for me to explain…please remember that this is just the GENERAL idea of what a day is like. I didn’t even go into detail about how messy art activities and sensory activites are. Sensory is rather "fun". It can include just water or it could be real dirt (with real worms one day….gross!!) or food products. Last week was a Circus theme so the children played in confection sugar, caramel syrup, and icecream. Other times we have played in pudding, jell-O, applesauce, goop (cornstarch and water) and the list can go on!!  
I also didn’t mention how annoying some parents are; how many bullies we deal with in the classroom who like to hit, bite, and pull hair; how we send children home after they throw up all over the classroom or when their eyes are pasted shut from pink eye….
So, does anyone want to be the new assistant toddler teacher after I am done on July 27? I can assure you that you will never be bored for a minute!!
So the next time you ask me how work is going… you REALLY want to know?
22 days and counting!!!!

Confession Anyone?

21 Jun
Okay, I gotta know… I the ONLY one who has ever done this?
Yesterday I stayed home from work because I had a low-grade fever and I was really tired. Anyway, I went to bed, and of course, fell right asleep  The next thing I remember is waking up, thinking that I had heard my alarm clock go off. For most of the time, I am like an "alarm clock" myself where I wake up exactly when I need to. So when I woke up this time I automatically figured it was time to get up. So I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower. I thought it was rather weird that it was still raining outside just like it had the night before. After my shower was done, I dressed for the day and put on my contacts. I really felt tired and just drained, and all I could think about was how LONG this day was going to be with my "darling" kiddos at daycare. So, anyway, I grabbed my watch like I always do because my watch is my lifesaver while at work!  I finally glanced at the time because I want to see how much time I had before I had to leave for work. I only had my small lamp on by my bed so I had to really squint to see what time it was. So can anyone guess what time it was???!!
12 a.m…….as in MIDNIGHT!!!! Here I was, fully dressed for my day, contacts and everything, fresh out of the shower, and I had only been in bed for about 1 1/2 hours!! Talk about weird and slightly embarrassing….well, not at the time…I was just relieved that I had more time to sleep!!  So, anyway, I woke up later this morning, still rather tired, but a little more refreshed!!! Of course, I told my "wonderful" co-workers today about this incident, and now they are all making fun of me….my assistant director wants me to call her tonight at midnight to remind her that it is time to take a shower!!
Sooooooooooooooo……am I the ONLY one who has ever done this? This isn’t my FIRST occurrence with this type of thing — me thinking that it was later than it was or an entirely different day — but I was just hoping that there are others who have experienced something similar to this as well.
Please do share… I don’t feel all alone in this weird world!!   

The Glory of Children

17 Jun
"The Glory of Children"
I am my daddy’s girl
And how I pray
That I will grow to be
Like him someday.
My dad is faithful,
His heart is true,
Dad, are you listening?
I love you!
The glory of children is Father,
He is the strength of our home.
Father, we need you and love you;
Walk by our side,
Counsel and guide,
Show us the way of the Lord.
Dad, you have been with us,
All through the years,
Faithful in happy times,
Faithful in tears.
You served a real God,
Taught us to pray.
Dad, are you listening?
Thank you today!
The glory of children is Father,
He is the strength of our home.
Father, we need you and love you;
Walk by our side,
Counsel and guide,
Show us the way of the Lord.
Walk by our side,
Counsel and guide,
Show us the way of the Lord.

Dad’s Surprise Party

17 Jun
Today we had a surprise birthday party for Dad. Seeing how his actual birthday was on June 6th, we were hoping he would have NO  CLUE. Well, we were successful!!! Both sides of my family were here today.
My Dad’s side: My Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ron & Aunt Deb, and my two cousins, Mike and Rob.
My Mom’s side: My Pop-Pop, Nannie, Aunt Cheryl and two boys who she was watching, Alex and Kaleb. It has been awhile since both sides of the family have been all together like this, so it was pretty interesting. 
Everything went really well today. It started off to be a nice day, but then it got really windy and we could tell that we were going to have a thunderstorm. It cooled everything down though! Mom had just finished grilling the last barbecue chicken on the grill when it started to rain, so it was perfect timing.
The afternoon went by rather fast. My cousin, Rob, works at PPL as an intern this summer, so some of the family went to see the building where he works. The guys (Rob, Mike, Andy, and Alex) also played some basketball in the backyard. Dad and Uncle Ron climbed a ladder to inspect the porch’s roof. It just proves that two brothers, who are now officially over 50, can still manage to do these types of things!!! Of course, no day would be complete without watching a baseball game….Yankees, of course
After we ate, Andy lighted all 50 candles on Dad’s birthday cake, and we sang to him. He then had fun trying to blow them all out!!! Soon after we were finished stuffing ourselves, we watched a powerpoint presentation that Andy put together of Dad’s life (so far at least!!)
What started off as a stressful day (making sure the house was clean, trying to figure out what Dad was planning to do today, setting up the chairs, buying lemonade and ice tea at Giant, cramming 10 balloons in the back of my car and depending on Alayna to make sure it was safe to back up  etc. etc. etc.) turned out to be a really great day with family!! And we actually succeeded in surprising my father….amazing!!!!!

In Loving Memory of Christy…

13 Jun
My mom rearranged the wall in the hallway to leave room for a "Christy Memorial." She hung up a plaque that says, "Goldens leave pawprints on our hearts" which we got a couple years ago from our grandparents. Thanks to the Spangenberg family and our next-door neighbor’s yard sale, Mom also put up two photo frames which has altogether 12 different pictures of Christy. Lastly, Mom hung up Christy’s collar in the middle.  It is really special, and although it makes me sad everytime I pass it, I am glad it is up there. The times when it hits me the hardest is when we all gather together as a family before heading off to bed at night. There is just an empty spot….someone is missing  Yes, my heart is still aching, but I am sooooo thankful we took tons of pictures of Christy! However, although pictures are nice, I wish I could just pet her soft fur, feel her rough tongue on my hand as she licks me, and smell her horrible doggie breath one more time  Who would have thought that I would actually miss that?!!!
Thanks to all of you who have expressed sympathy to our family during this time!! It REALLY means a lot to me!! 

Just when you think you have lost your “best friend”…

10 Jun
I was reminded tonight about a Friend, Who will never leave me or forsake me.
As we were driving home tonight from my grandparent’s house, I was again having an emotional time because going to Grandma’s house was always one of Christy’s most favorite things to do. My Grandpa always looked forward to seeing her, and she would run around in circles when she got there because she was so excited. She would nudge him over and over so he would keep petting her. Grandma would just shake her head and say, "What a spoiled dog!" So, anyway, going to their house the day after this whole ordeal was rather rough for me because I was reminded so much of her while there. However, as we were driving home tonight, we were listening to music and this song came on (Commercial break!! — this song is on an excellent CD "Closer to Jesus" by Abigail Miller — we sell it in the bookstore!! ) Anywho, here are the lyrics, which made me cry even harder!!
"There is a Friend"
In this life we often face fears we can’t ignore,
And in our need we find that there’s a hand we’re reaching for.
Our dearest friends may fail to understand, try as they may,
But there is One who never fails us, day after day.

There is a Friend who will never forsake you,
There is a Friend who forever will take you
Just as you are, He knows every need of your heart.
There is a Friend who is ever beside you,
Loving you, leading you, safely He’ll hide you,
In every trial and trouble, He knows what to do,
For He cares for you.

There are always feelings deep inside we can’t express,
Words are often not enough to show the heart’s distress,
But there is One to whom we go, who needs no words to know
The secret inner workings of the heart, and of the soul.

There is a Friend who is closer than a brother,
There is a Friend unlike any other,
He knows what you’re feeling before you ever speak a word.
There is a Friend who is greater than sorrow,
There is a Friend who holds your tomorrow,
No matter what comes He will never leave you alone,
For you are His own.

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.

There is a Friend who will never forsake you,
There is a Friend who forever will take you
Just as you are, He knows every need of your heart.
There is a Friend who is ever beside you,
Loving you, leading you, safely He’ll hide you,
In every trial and trouble, He knows what to do,
For He cares for you.

For He cares for you.

A Nightmare or Reality?

9 Jun
We just got back from the vet’s office a few minutes ago. It’s over…. My puppy was put to sleep tonight. Right now, as I am sure you can imagine, is a horrible time in our household. The minute I got home I went downstairs because I can’t stand to see anything that reminds me that Christy is gone. I think I am in shock right now….reality hasn’t hit yet. I am sitting here, staring at a picture of her and I can’t believe I won’t ever see her again. The worse thing about this whole ordeal is that it happened so suddenly without hardly any warning. We were just about ready to sit down to supper when I hear my Dad frantically calling Mom. Of course, I come running too, and here is Christy leaning over to the side trying to sit up. Her whole body is just leaning, and her head is cock-eyed. I am trying to remain calm and soothe her because she is shaking. She had had an episode like this about 2 weeks ago during the night, but she had been fine after a few minutes. Well, she laid down on the floor, but her head was still leaning to the side. We all gather around her, thinking that the time is near. She is really shaky and her head is just flopping back and forth in my lap. Of course, I refused to leave her side. She just laid there for awhile and we just stood around her not sure what to do. Our neighbors came over, and told us the best thing we could do for her was put her to sleep. When my neighbor came in, Christy tried to get up to greet her, but she about fell over – her legs practically caved in under her. Mom called the vet, and they told us to bring her in. At this point, I am bawling my eyes out because I just don’t want to let her go. My Dad and Andy have to pick her up and carry her to the van. We all went along, because I knew I just HAD to go or I would never be able to accept the fact that she was really gone. It was the longest, quietest ride ever. Andy and I had to hold Christy up and she had her claws dug deep inside my arm. I still have the marks right now  We finally get to the vet’s office, and poor Dad has to try to carry her out of the van and into the building. We sit down in a private area, and then the nurse/receptionist tells Dad that we need to get Christy weighed. So Dad has to get back up with an 80 lb. dog in his arms. We sit back down and wait for someone to take us to the room. When someone comes to take us to a room, Dad has to again pick her up and carry her down the hall. We all crowd in this tiny room, and a veternarian comes in eventually. She tells us basically the same thing we already knew was going on. She said that she was probably filling up with blood and it was making her really weak. She said it could stop again for the next couple of weeks and then start again. She then gave us our options. Surgery, taking her home again and letting her practically just suffer, or putting her to sleep. I, of course, am standing there having an emotional breakdown at the thought. I felt so bad for Dad and Mom. What a tough decision they had to make tonight! The decision was made to put her to sleep. We were given the option to stay and watch….and I REFUSED. There was no way I was going to watch that. We were then given the option to have her ashes be sent home to us after she was cremated  No way…too freaky!
 I honestly felt (and still feel) like I am in a nightmare. The vet then gave us a few minutes alone with Christy. Those were the hardest moments of my life. My entire family is crying, and there is Christy laying on the table looking from one person to another with her tail wagging nonstop. How hard it was to say good-bye! I don’t think I even said the words, I just said over and over, "I love you, baby, I love you!" When the technician or whatever the guy was came in for Dad to sign the papers, I knew I had to get out of there. I gave Christy one final hug and then practically ran out the door. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to just leave my baby there tonight? I felt like I was committing murder. I know she was suffering and it wasn’t fair to her anymore to suffer, but still. I felt so guilty leaving her there to die. All the way home, my poor little sister was crying over and over, "I want my baby, I want my baby, I want my baby".  I just wish I could "wake up" and this all be a horrible nightmare. I knew it was coming, but I WASN’T READY for it to happen tonight.  The thought of Christy not being there when I walk upstairs right now is so unbelievable to me. No more barking, no more licks, no more wagging tails, no more begging? How will I be able to stand it?
Sorry this is just my way of "relieving" some of the pain right now. I don’t feel like talking because I’ll just burst into tears, so typing all this out helps me.
Christy’s birthday is on Monday, June 11. She would have been 9 years old. I know to some people she is "just a friendly dog", but at the moment, I feel like my family will never be complete again.
Christy will forever be in my heart….I love you, baby, and I miss you!!! 

A Perfect Poem

3 Jun

I just found this poem on one of the many blogs I read.  It was a perfect poem for me to read at this time. Now that I am graduated from college, I feel like I have to have everything in my life planned out. However, when things that I "plan out" in my head don’t turn out the way I think they should, I get all frustrated and upset. I think my way is the "best way"…..I KNOW God’s way and His will is always best, but yet at times, I have a picture in my head about what I think my future should be like, and I worry that it won’t go according to "plan". People ask me about future plans, and right now I believe I have an answer, "I am teaching kindergarten at EBA in the fall!" Well, that is a great plan and I am soooo excited….but what comes after that??  I know I should take one day at a time and enjoy each day to its fullest, but sometimes, I wish I had some sort of time machine that would show me what next year or 5 years from now will bring. Then, again, if I knew, I would probably freak out, and go hide somewhere. I think God doesn’t reveal everything in our future all at once for a reason. He knows we wouldn’t be able to handle it! God’s grace is for today, and not for tomorrow. He will give me the right amount of grace I need for each situation that arises in my life. I just have to remember that MY WAY and MY PLANS are not always the best for me!! There may be a greater "yes" God has in store for me….make sure you read the following poem….


A Greater "Yes"

It starts with a desire, planted deep within your heart
You pray in faith, and wait for God to move
Time passes and you wonder,
Did He hear me when I called?
Should I even have prayed that prayer at all?
You never pray a prayer, your Father will not answer
He can’t ignore His child’s earnest request
While you’re waiting and believing
For what you thought was best
Trust God if He says no…..You’re still blessed
There must be a greater yes
There comes a time when child-like faith must graduate to trust
Trials come and you’re convinced you’re on your own
But the teacher’s often silent
During the hardest test
But He’ll answer when it’s time with what is best
You never pray a prayer, your Father will not answer
He can’t ignore His child’s earnest request
While you’re waiting and believing
For what you thought was best
Trust God if He says no….. You’re still Blessed
There must be a greater yes
Sometimes God will answer – just like we prayed
Then other times what’s on His mind
Is a better plan,
another way,
a greater yes.
~Marcia Henry~