Archive | July, 2008

An Electrifying Experience

18 Jul
It was a typical end of the evening for me on Monday night. I had just finished a humorous conversation over MSN with my friends in New York and was getting ready to turn in for the night. Because my room gets so humid and "sticky" over the summer months, I basically always have a dehumidifier running in my room. Well, my fan and my dehumidifier share the same outlet, and I turn on my fan at night because if I don’t have SOME air in my room I probably would  drown in sweat in my bed. (Don’t worry there is a point to this blog entry…bear with me a minute! Wink) Anyway, I wanted to keep my dehumidifier running during the night, so I moved the thing across the room to an outlet that actually wasn’t being used (the ONLY one not be used) Well, I had to move this dresser out of the way because the plug just wasn’t cooperating for me. I tried pushing the thing in and it just was being stubborn. Finally after a few moments of frustration the plug went into the outlet and for the next few seconds I thought it was the 4th of July again. Sparks were flying out of the outlet and I mean not just these little tiny sparklets, but these were REAL sparks flying. I though for sure the dresser would catch on fire or something. And I am sure all of you are just dying to know how I reacted during these brief horrifying seconds……..of course, I was calm, cool and collected…how could you doubt that for a second? Surprised I was busy admiring the white and yellow fire sparks as they came out of my wall. It reminded me of the sparklers I had lit on the 4th of July and I kept wondering WHY????!! did we have to spend money  on fireworks when I could have them for FREE in my room???!! I was literally screaming with delight!! Rrrrrrrriiight!! Oh I was screaming, but it was NOT with delight let me tell you! And if any of you know me…the quiet kind of girl I am (hahaha) I was QUITE out of character for those brief seconds…as I was jumping up and down screaming my head off for my Dad. Well, I discovered something that night. When I scream in my room downstairs, no one can hear me upstairs. There are certain parts in the basement where you can be heard, but I discovered NOT in that part of the basement. Sooooo by this time, I had stopped screaming (I think Sarcastic) because the sparks had finally gone away and I ran upstairs to get my Dad. He was already in bed but after telling him, in a rather shaky voice,  what had happened, he came downstairs to investigate. He got the plug out of the outlet with no difficulty. We were both perplexed by what had happened. It had tripped the breaker, of course, so nothing was on in my room. He was able to flip the breaker back on and thankfully everything seemed to work (at the moment at least) So it was smelling rather "burnt" in my room, but after standing there a few more minutes, everything seemed under control sooooooo I went to bed with much fear and trembling wondering if I would be burnt to a crisp come morning from an electrical fire (I am such a postive thinking person, can’t you tell? Tongue out) Thankfully, I survived the night (obviously). The next morning I tried starting up my computer but NOTHING.  I was in a rush so I headed off to work. While there, I msned Andy about my computer dilemna, and his encouraging words to me were "Oh, you probably fried it last night" THANK YOU, ANDY!! Just what I needed to hear. Well, I got home and we tried turning it on again and nothing happened. I was asked by my Dad and Andy if I had backed up my files and I was like….nooooooooooooo. See, I am not necessarily computer illiterate or anything (wellllll, I guess compared to some people I am Wink) but I guess I had developed such a special "bond" with my computer, that I thought it was infallible and would never fail me. (hahaha) Well, I was quickly losing my trust in this "faithful friend." They brought the computer upstairs and thankfully, when plugged into another outlet it worked fine. Andy backed up my files for me (such a loving brother!). I was definitely relieved that it was fine because I had a whole bunch of school stuff on there that I had spent a lot of time on and didn’t really want to lose. Well, to make a long story short, my computer has a temporary home on our dining room table. Its kind of interesting having two computers a few feet away from each other, but it will work for now. Hopefully, next week we will have someone come in to look at the outlet to see whats up with it. All the other outlets worked fine afterwards except the one my computer was hooked up to….figures. Well, this has all been an electrifying experience, let me tell you! We are still not sure why the outlet started sparking like that, but it definitely taught me never to plug anything into an outlet again (just kidding Smile….kinda *sigh*)  Hopefully it will all get straightened out soon!
*commercial break*
Right now I am enjoying an iced mocha that Andy made for me. Thanks to Mrs. Pierfy, Sarah Anger, and now my brother, I am getting addicted to mochas Wink I know, I know…that isn’t the REAL stuff, but baby steps, baby steps, people Smile 
*commercial break over*
Before I end this post and go drink some more mocha Tongue out, I want to leave you with two lovely AFTER pictures of this electrifying experience! I realize it could have been a lot worse. God was definitely protecting me!

IMG_6415                    IMG_6416