Archive | December, 2007

Christmas 2007 and more!

27 Dec
It has been awhile since I blogged anything so I thought now would be a good time Smile. Let me tell you, I am thoroughly enjoying the benefits of being a teacher…..a LONG Christmas break!!! Now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas celebrations are over, I think I am finally going to be able to rest and enjoy my time off. Although, I do have my lesson plan book here at home calling my name Tongue out. A teacher’s work is never done! I’ll get to it eventually Smile. So, anyway, where was I? Well, the last time I blogged I was "Miss Four Eyes". After two other doctor visits and about 100 drops later, my eyes are doing much better. I am allowed to wear my contacts again!! For the first couple of days I had to be careful and only wear them a couple of hours a day. But I am happy to report my eyes are cooperating with me. I was given a new solution that is supposed to be better for my eyes…we shall see! Last Friday, we had our Christmas party at school….unfortunately, I didn’t take too many pictures of that. The kindergarten joined the rest of the elementary because I figured it would be a lot more fun with more kids to play with. However, as we were eating our snack, one of my students informed me that she wished we had just had the Christmas party with the kindergarten because it was "way too noisy". She told me that she wanted to cover her ears! Well, I guess when you are used to only have three other classmates, an added 15 students does make a difference in the noise level! We did get to have some quiet time together in the classroom. The week before, we had gone on a field trip to the Dollar store to do some Christmas shopping. That was definitely an adventure trying to help the children pick out gifts for each other! They did pretty good though… was more of an adventure trying to wrap all the presents afterwards! So, anyway, they got to open their presents from each other at the Christmas party in our room. It was rather humorous to hear some of the replies. I had to encourage them to say "thank-you"on occasion. Tactfulness is something that is lacking in young children, let me tell you! Wink 
On Saturday, we went to my grandparents’ house (mom’s side) to celebrate Christmas with them. We opened presents and then went out to eat. We spent the remainder of the evening watching the cantata on DVD. Unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to come to the cantata because of the weather, but they still got to enjoy it….although it isn’t quite the same on DVD. 
On Sunday night, we had our traditional Christmas Eve "service" at home…although it wasn’t officially Christmas Eve yet. Every year, we have our own "candlelight service". We turn off all the lights except for a bunch of candles and the Christmas tree lights. My Dad reads the Christmas story, and we sing a bunch of Christmas carols. It’s tradition!! When I found out we would be at my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve, I was determined to still have our "candlelight service". It wouldn’t be Christmas without that time with my family. I had gone to a Christmas party that night, but I made sure I didn’t stay long so I could get home in time for that! I did have fun at the Christmas party playing Catchphrase with a bunch of people though Smile 
On Christmas Eve, we opened our presents here at home, and had our traditional breakfast of an omlet and muffins (I guess every family has some sort of tradition, right? Wink) After lunch, we headed to my grandparents’ house (Dad’s side). Everyone was there for Christmas Eve dinner. Everyone means Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ron & Aunt Deb, my cousins Rob & Mike, and of course, the five of us. We spent the remainder of the night "chit-chatting" and playing games. On Christmas day, we opened presents after breakfast and basically spent the rest of the day playing games. After dinner that night, the aunts and the cousins had a couple of rousing games of UNO Spin. It got pretty nasty! Tongue out If you have never played UNO Spin, you are definitely missing out! Well, I think that about covers it. I think I have officially updated on everything worthwhile. Until I find something else to say that is of any value….see ya!  

Miss “Four Eyes”

8 Dec
Just in case some of you are curious why I have been wearing glasses lately, I thought I would rant and rave about it here so your curiosity doesn’t kill you (hahahaSmile) Since the beginning of October I have been having issues with my eyes…being rather dry and my contacts sticking to my eye and feeling rather uncomfortable. Well, being the thrifty, hate-spending-money type of girl that I am, I didn’t want to cave in and go to the eye doctor where I knew I’d be spending big bucks. Confused So I thought I would solve the problem by wearing glasses now and then to relieve my eyes for awhile. It seemed to work at first. I would wear glasses a couple of days and then go back to contacts. However, this last time, I decided enough was enough. I was going to wear glasses for a couple days and make my poor ego and self-esteem suffer Wink. Anywho, I finally caved in and went to the eye doctor on Thursday. All the way there, I was convincing myself that this was a waste of time and money. Even the secretary that morning had told me on the phone that it was probably a waste of time and money because it was probably just dry eyes that could be relieved with eye drops. Well, anyway, I firmly stood my ground and went. I just had to know what was up. When I explained the situation to my eye doctor, he was looking at my history chart. "Hmmmmm," he said, "December 2005, December 2006, and now December 2007 we are dealing with the same issue. No doubt we will see you again in December 2008." Confused I hadn’t realized there had been a pattern like this. I knew I had issues before with my eyes, but isn’t that super weird that for 3 years in a row, it has all been in December? When he checked my eyes, it was the same exact problem as the other 2 years – inflamation in both of my eyes. Part of me was relieved that I hadn’t wasted time and money because there was a real problem, but the other part was like, Why is there such a pattern here? My eyes are fine for the rest of the year…I know that this is dry eye season and everything, but inflamation is not dry eye. Hmmmmmm…..anyway, I don’t have the answer for that one right now. So I now have prescription eye drops (that cost a fortune, by the way Disappointed) and I am forced to be "Miss Four Eyes" for the next couple of weeks. Yes, my ego and self-esteem must suffer, I’m afraid. I feel like I am 14 again wearing these glasses. They aren’t exactly what you would call "stylish" because I have had them for years, and there has been no reason to "update" them because I only usually wear them at night. Now that I know that there is a problem, it is a little easier wearing them though. The first day I wore them at school, one of my students walked in and the first words out of their mouth was, "Miss Follett, you look funny in glasses." Oh, yes, that was exactly what I needed to hear!! Thanks for the compliment, dear! Wink Then I have had other people comment, "Glasses make you look smarter" and "You look more like a teacher wearing glasses". Yep, I look more and more like an old-spinster school teacher every day. I have considered starting to wear my hair in a tight bun so I fit the role better Wink Ahhhh, yes, the joy of wearing glasses. It makes me so very thankful for contacts! Of course, here I am complaining about poor little me having to suffer, but at least, I can see. I should be grateful that I wasn’t born blind, and that someone was smart enough to invent glasses (cause I’d be practically blind without them) I shouldn’t let the "tactfulness" of others or my own "low self-esteem" get the better of me. Eyes are an amazing creation of God. Without my eyes, my world would be so different. I will now set aside my pride, my rants and ravings, and just be thankful for what the Lord has given me!!! Okay, now I am done. Thanks for listening!  Nerd