Archive | October, 2007

Senior Pictures

29 Oct
This afternoon I took Andy to Lockridge park to take some senior pictures of him. I love the fall season, and I had my senior pictures in the fall, so I wanted Andy’s to be done during the fall as well. Instead of getting professional pictures done, I did my best to look as "professional" as I could. However, we need your help!!! Please look through the pictures, and "cast your vote" or leave your "professional" opinion about some of these pictures. Mrs. Reeder, I just want you to know…the ONLY reason Andy is allowing this was because I told him, "Andy, Mrs. Reeder will want to see these!" So, pleeeeaaase, leave a comment or two when you have a chance. Wink 
This brought back a lot of memories today taking pictures at Lockridge (the ultimate senior picture place at least for EBA students Open-mouthed). Was it really 4 years ago that I had my pictures done there!??? Surprised Wow, time sure flies by!! Enjoy the pictures, and don’t forget to leave your comments on the ones you like……just don’t be too negative on the ones you don’t like. Wink Remember you are looking at pictures taken by a amateur photographer and received by a reluctant senior guy!!

A Fun Time at McDonalds!!!

25 Oct
To help introduce the community helper, a waiter/waitress, we went to McDonald’s for lunch today! The children ordered their meal all by themselves Open-mouthed. After they were done eating, they had tons of fun in the Playland while the ladies chatted. Three of the mommies were able to come which made it really special (and helped make my job a lot less stressful!!) This morning before we headed out for lunch, I brought out the kitchen and all the plates and pretend food. The children had a fun time taking turns pretending to be a waiter or a  waitress. However, sometimes they had to deal with some really impatient and picky customers. Wink

The Lord is my Peace – Another view on Psalm 23

21 Oct
The Lord is my peace. I shall not live in anxiety.
He puts me under His wing of comfort
and calms my spirit within me.
He takes all my anxieties on Himself
and helps me to focus on Him.
Yes, though I walk through a time of
grave uncertainties and fierce anxieties,
I will not fret – for You are my peace
Your Word and Your presence calm me now.
You hold my uncertainties in the palm of Your hand
You soothe my anxious mind – You smoothe my wrinkled brow.
Surely serentity and trust in You shall fill me all the days of my life
And I shall keep my mind stayed on you forever.

The Twenty-third Channel

21 Oct
The TV is my shepherd. My spiritual growth shall want.
It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for its name’s sake,
because it requireth all my spare time.
It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian,
because it presenteth so many good shows that I must see.
It restoreth my knowledge of the things of the world,
and keepeth me from the study of God’s Word.
It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening church services,
and doing nothing in the kingdom of God.
Yea, though I live to be a hundred,
I shall keep viewing my TV as long as it will work,
for it is my closest companion.
Its sounds and pictures, they comfort me.
It presenteth entertainment before me
and keepeth me from doing important things with my family.
It fills my head with ideas which differ from those in the Word of God.
Surely, no good thing will come out of my life because of so many wasted hours,
and I shall dwell in my regrets and remorse forever.

22 Years Ago Today….

18 Oct
…I was born into this world!!! 
Wow, 22 used to sound old, but it doesn’t anymore Wink. I had a great birthday celebration today. My kindergarten students made me feel really special bringing in candy, gifts, and even a birthday cake!! They sang Happy Birthday to me (over and over and over and over again) until I actually had to tell them to stop so we could begin Phonics class Wink. A bunch of ladies got together and put together a really yummy lunch for all the October birthday ladies. My Mom brought in a bunch of helium balloons for me today, which was a surprise to me and my students as we were in the midst of numbers class (oh well Smile) Tonight I was thoroughly embarrassed as I knew I would be when everyone at church sang to me Embarrassed. Oh well, that is what I get for having a birthday on a church night!! Wink.   So, altogether, today was a pretty good day Open-mouthed

Field Trip to the Farm

10 Oct
We had a lot of fun today at the farm! After about an hour bumpy bus ride, we were glad to finally get there. The first activity was going through a corn maze. I don’t remember ever going through a corn maze before, and it was definitely an interesting experience for me! It was meant for shorter people Wink so I was bending over the whole time as I went through. I quickly got to the point where I thought I was stuck in there forever, and THERE WAS NO WAY OUT!! (hypervenaliting now Smile…not really Wink) I just followed close behind the other adults who were ahead of me and we eventually found the way out…..much to my relief!! I am not necessarily claustrophobic, I just like to know where I am going at all times, and that I am actually heading in the right direction!!! My sense of direction STINKS so obviously that gets rather frustrating for me Smile. The children had a blast in it though. I think they went through at least 3 more times!! Our next activity was hearing the Johnny Appleseed story told by a scarecrow lady Open-mouthed. Since there was a boy named Johnny in the group, he got selected to be Johnny Appleseed…and I think he enjoyed himself Wink. After the story was over, we went on a hayride around the farm. We went past fields of pumpkins and corn, and saw a bunch of other things including a real fox in a nearby field!! Of course, no hayride could ever be complete without a martian and his crashed spaceship! Sarcastic (the farm was definitely decorated for Halloween ….but the boys enjoyed "shooting" at the martian as we rode by!) After the hayride was over, we spent some time looking at the animals – cows, sheep, goats, llamas, bunnies, peacocks – and then we had lunch. We were given a treat for lunch from the farm – yummy cinnamon sugar donuts. After we finished lunch, the kids got to go through the corn maze again a couple of times. Before we left, we all got to pick our own pumpkin to take home. After a slow and hot bus ride filled with countless "I Spy" and "Simeon Says" games, we arrived safely back at school. Let’s just say…today was a lot of fun, but, boy, am I exhausted!!!Sleepy  Wink

Our first field trip – Hess Gas Station

4 Oct
On Monday, we went on our first "field trip" of the year. In Social Studies, we have been studying community helpers, and on Monday we were learning about salespeople. So, I planned a trip to the Hess Gas Station up the road. I asked Jen and Selena to come along, and we had a lot of fun Smile. The children were excited to walk up there, but, of course, they were a little disappointed that we didn’t go in the bus Wink. Oh, well, they will get their chance next week when we go to a farm with the rest of the elementary students!!! At the gas station, the children got to pick out their own treat for Tuesday’s snack time. Although we paced down the aisles for a couple of minutes, they eventually made their decisions. It actually didn’t take as long as I thought it would Wink.  When we got back to the classroom, they got out their journals and drew a picture of their time at the gas station. I thought they turned out rather cute Smile